The Memorial Day 2 person scramble will be held on Monday May 25, 2020.  The cost is $35 for non-members, which includes 18 hole greens fee, cart, lunch to go, fun and prizes. Prizes include closest to pin, longest drive, skins and first place team.  It will begin at 10:00 a.m. with lunch to go being served on the turn.  You can register on-line or call the clubhouse to secure your spot.  If registering online,  make sure you receive a “thank you for registering” email confirmation.  Obviously we will have some social distancing practices in place.  Prepayment is encouraged. There will be no cash refunds for cancellations only rain checks.   Space is limited and this one fills up quickly!  231-258-5685

An email with starting hole numbers and Team numbers will be sent out a couple days prior to the Event.