Timber Wolf is now offering early morning weekend tee times at a discounted rate and it starts this weekend!
No convenience fees or booking fees. You will only pay for your round of golf (no hidden or additional fees….like other booking sites). Price includes cart.
This offer is only valid with online bookings. Make sure to check your spam box for your verification email when registering online.
Hello there,
Did you Know there are several ways to get discounted tee times at Timber Wolf Golf Club?
(1) Discounts can be found randomly throughout the day, but only a limited amount so get it before someone else does! Just log in and book your next tee time. No convenience fees or booking fees. You will only pay for your round of golf (no hidden or additional fees….like other booking sites). Prices include cart.
(2) At Timber Wolf we offer discounted rates for Seniors, Juniors and Heroes. Book your tee time online and when you check in ask the Club House Attendant to change your Profile to receive your discount…Anytime after that, you will receive your discount.
These discounts all apply to our regular summer rate as we already offer a discounted Spring and Fall Rate!
(3) We will offer Promotions throughout the year! Watch your email for upcoming Promotions and all you have to do is mention the Promotion at check in!
5646 M-72 SE
Kalkaska MI 49646
The Memorial Day 2 person scramble will be held on Monday May 25, 2020. The cost is $35 for non-members, which includes 18 hole greens fee, cart, lunch to go, fun and prizes. Prizes include closest to pin, longest drive, skins and first place team. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. with lunch to go being served on the turn. You can register on-line or call the clubhouse to secure your spot. If registering online, make sure you receive a “thank you for registering” email confirmation. Obviously we will have some social distancing practices in place. Prepayment is encouraged. There will be no cash refunds for cancellations only rain checks. Space is limited and this one fills up quickly! 231-258-5685
An email with starting hole numbers and Team numbers will be sent out a couple days prior to the Event.
We are excited to let you know that golf carts are now allowed on Michigan golf courses. Walking is still available at a discounted rate.
Make your tee time today. Tee times are available online and for prepayment. If you prepay online at Timber Wolf, do not worry you will not be charged an additional fee for booking online, as with other courses. (Prepayments-No cash refunds on cancellations only rainchecks.)
Get Away and Play at Timber Wolf Golf Club-Tee Times Only
With updated precautions and procedures, we can all enjoy golf during this time with the following guidelines.
As you may have seen on the News Outlets, the Michigan Department of Health reversed an earlier decision and is now allowing golf courses to open during statewide order regarding the COVID-19 pandemic although with restrictions.
The following guidelines will be followed by Timber Wolf Golf Club until further restrictions are lifted.
- Walk-only play until further notice. Golf carts shall not to be made available for use at this time.
- Due to Limited Staff we will be open by appointment or Tee Time only. You need to call 231-258-5685 to set up your Tee Time prior to arrival to the clubhouse.
- The Pro Shop shall be closed and locked.
- Other typical course services such as rental clubs, rental push carts, rakes in bunkers and the clubhouse restrooms shall not be available.
- Golfers shall bring their own scoring pencils.
- The green cups shall be raised, preventing the ball from rolling in.
- Flag sticks shall remain in place, and shall not be touched.
We miss all of our golfer friends and look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
Gordie LaFontaine

Foursome special $99
(4) 18 Hole Round of Golf
Cart Included
Not valid on Holidays or cannot be used for Events or Group.
Valid for Open Play only
Not valid with any other special offers, specials, or discounts
Must call Golf Course for Tee Time or Book online mention Promo special at check In
Must be used by Nov 1st, 2019
Buy Now
As the days become longer, we can start to see an end to the winter. Spring will be here before we know it! It is time to think about getting those clubs dusted off and get ready for the upcoming season. Plan on joining our Tuesday Nights Men’s league for golf and hops. Click here for more information!
Also Membership information is available at https://timberwolfgolfclub.net/online-store/
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Business Hours
7AM to 8PM
7AM to 8PM
7AM to 8PM
7AM to 8PM
7AM to 8PM
7AM to 8PM